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Learn How To Protect Your Skin Without Using Toxic Sunscreen

Learn How To Protect Your Skin Without Using Toxic Sunscreen

Video Transcript

Charles Barber: Hey guys, Charles Barber here, and today I'm gonna show you guys how to protect your skin naturally. We are in summertime now and I know we're gonna be all getting outside, having fun in the sun, going to the pool, going to the lake, and I wanna educate you guys on how to protect your skin naturally. It's kind of an oxymoron because we've been told our whole lives to put sunscreen on, but when we go to the store, all the sunscreens are toxic. They have toxic chemicals inside of them known as endocrine disrupters, but there are toxic chemicals like this benzophenone, BAPA, avobenzone, homosalate. I just printed some of these off. These are all of 'em. There's fragrant mixes, phthalates, synthetic colors, parabens, all inside sunscreens. And this is kind of weird, right, because it's like why are all these chemicals in here? And even though some of these chemicals we're told are supposed to help preserve things. At the end of the day what we're seeing is that they're causing massive problems to our bodies, they're making us feel foggy headed, they're contributing to any autoimmune condition we have. They're called endocrine disrupters. Endocrine disrupters, a lot of what we see here can throw off our hormones. So if we're having hormonal issues, adrenal issues, this is probably one reason why 'cause we're already getting toxic exposure from our house, from our environment, the last thing we wanna be doing is putting chemicals on the largest organ of our body which is our skin and disrupting our chemical, our endocrine system. A lot of these chemicals show up as xenoestrogens in the body. It's a foreign form of estrogen, so the body will actually uptake it thinking it's natural good estrogen, and this starts throwing off the balance. So we can't go inside and live in a cave because we need vitamin D, we need UVB, but the UVB is exactly what the sunblock protects against, it prevents. The UVA is actually what causes the sunburn, and even though lots of sunscreens do a little bit of both, their mainly blocking UVB, the beneficial form. So it's not something we wanna use from the beginning. We wanna look at natural solutions, and we also wanna look at things that we can add into our diet so that we don't get these cancer causing chemicals from these sunscreens into our lives. The first thing I wanna talk about sun exposure is you have to have it, but it has to be done in a balanced way. I am extremely white, so I have to be way more cautious than my wife who's Laotian. She can stay out in the sun all day. She prefers not to 'cause she doesn't like to get so dark even though I like it when she gets really dark, but she doesn't like that, right. But she can stay out longer because she has more melanin in her blood. I have less. So the darker you are, the more melanin you have, and the importance with melanin is it's your ability to hold onto D3, and also kinda tell you how much exposure you do or don't need. So naturally if you're more white complected, you need less exposure and you can actually hold onto that D longer, but if you're darker, you have more melanin which means you can actually absorb more UVB and you can't hold onto it as long as someone that's whiter complected, that has less melanin, but you can actually utilize it. So for me I would kinda, not wish, I'm glad god built me the way I am, but it would be nice to be able to have a little bit more melanin product because at the end of the day melanin affects master hormones in the body. But that's not what we're gonna get into today. Today we're gonna talk about ways that you can protect your skin naturally. One of the first things you can do is to limit your exposure based on your skin fair type. If you're darker skinned you can stay out longer, if you're lighter skinned you really wanna be cautious. Also the window. There's always a vitamin D window, and as we enter summer it gets bigger and longer, and as we enter winter it gets smaller. So knowing where that window is. Obviously 12 noon in the summer is gonna be one of the peak places to get that D, but if you're fair skinned like myself, you really wanna be cautious. You really wanna focus on getting that exposure early in the morning or late in the afternoon. And you'll actually get a little bit better tan than getting this whapam, slammed with a bunch of UVB. But one of the things that you can do to protect yourself if you are gonna go out during those times is to use things like coconut oil, avocado oil, aloe vera oil, combination of the two, and then use zinc dioxide. Yes I know that it doesn't look super sexy to have a little white on you, or white up here, but when you rub this stuff in you really can't tell, and it's a great way to protect your skin without putting toxic endocrine disrupting chemicals in your body, skin cancer causing chemicals in your body, and still be able to enjoy the summer, have fun, be able to get the benefits of the UVB right in a balanced way, because when you look at this SPF stuff it's really based on like a time exposure. So if you're gonna be outside in the sun getting direct sun in peak hours for an extended period of time, this can help determine how much sunscreen you need to put on, how frequently you need to put it on. But there's also something else you can do that I wanna educate you guys on that you can increase in your diet, will actually help you turn into a plant, I like to say, and those are greens. Yeah chlorophyll, and my favorite for of that is gonna be chlorella or spirulina, and that's because with we get such a phenomenal quality. We're actually the only in the nation that really gets our BlackBelt spirulina. We've partnered up with a guy in South America when we were doing some of our Cacao expeditions we found this guy, and this stuff is like glacial runoff short beds. I'm not gonna go into that, but the chlorophyll inside these algaes help you better absorb the sun, help protect you from too much UVB and UVA, while at the same time allowing you to utilize the UVB for yourselves. Because UVB is important, it's vitamin D. Vitamin D is a pre-steroidal hormone. It's not a vitamin, and it governs over 3000 healing genes in your DNA. So you definitely wanna be able to get some exposure. I believe as a nation we are vitamin D deficient. I also believe there's been a lot of propaganda about the sun. I think if we would change our diets, eat less meat and dairy, start eating more greens and plants, start using holistic ways to treat our skin, from coconut oil to avocado oil to aloe vera oil, there's tons of different oils out there now that you can get and protect your skin, and then using a combination with the zinc dioxide, you've got the solutions. They're here. The key is just don't go run out to Walmart if you're in a crutch and buy that crap that's out there. And I shouldn't say Walmart, any place. I just say that because it's always a place we go to when we're last minute. Be prepared, get some good sunscreen. There's a lot of good companies out there. Add more greens into your diet, add spirulina if you can as well, or chlorella. Chlorella actually has more chlorophyll than spirulina, but I like spirulina because it has phycocyanin in it, which helps stem cell production, which I believe there's a signaling there that's happening with the UVB from the sun as well and the combination there. So I hope this information educated you guys. I'm not trying to doomsday anyone here with the sunscreen thing, but you gotta stay away from it. There's toxic endocrine disrupting chemicals inside of there, there's kidney disrupters, and the last thing we wanna be doing when we live in this toxic environment that we're already is putting more toxicity. So the more educated you guys are, the more holistic you can live, the happier you will be. You'll notice the energy will be there from the sun and not being lowered down from the chemicals. Alright, if you have any questions or comments please put 'em in the little space below this video. If there's anything that I didn't go into that you'd like me to go deeper into you can obviously ask that as well. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you're not part of the newsletter community yet you've gotta get a part of that. We're doing like weekly giveaways there, we're doing recipes, tips, tricks, all types of really cool stuff there. We're taking the Wellness Center live. So I'll look forward to seeing you guys there. Look forward to seeing you guys comment below. I look forward to seeing you guys on social media. Aho and namaste.

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