Breathe Easy: Talking Ozone Generator With Founder Charles
For those of you reading this that have stuck ozone gas in places where the sun don’t shine, it’s good to see you again. For those of you who haven’t (yet), welcome!
We sat down with founder Charles to talk about the Crucial FOUR ozone generator. From what sets it apart from other brands to how you can use it (real: up your bum for detoxing) — nothing is off the table.
Hey, Charles! Let’s kick this off strong. What makes Crucial FOUR’s generator different from other brands’?
The biggest difference by far is that we use ozone-proof materials. Most options on the market use ozone resistant materials instead. That means over time and with use, ozone will eventually break down these “resistant” materials (like ceramic and titanium) into the ozone gas that you're administering into your body. It’ll take time, but it’ll happen and it’ll ruin your machine along with bringing toxins into your body. Ever heard of water resistant watches? It’s not the same as waterproof — same concept here.
Uuuuh, water resistant is waterproof…
My 3-year-old self who lost his favorite “water resistant” Sesame Street watch testing this theory would beg to differ.
Ok, fair. So, about those ozone proof materials. Tell us more
We didn’t want to use anything inside of our ozone cells that might get broken down by the ozone gas. If I’m going to be putting things up my butt (best way to do ozone) I wanted to be convinced it was as safe as possible. That’s why we decided to use 100% quartz glass inside the machine which is 100% ozone proof. No metals, no stone, no ceramic, or titanium.
Good point. Better safe than sorry! Anything else that sets Crucial FOUR’s ozone generator apart from the rest?
Glad you asked, because yes there is. Our machines have two ozone cells inside, not just one. This is important because we can produce more ranges of ozone strength, which means more therapy options to choose from. Just like the machines practitioners have access to.
Pro level machines! Very nice. What about the materials you use to manufacture the generator?
Great question. We’re currently one of the only brand’s that don’t source internal ozone cells and parts from China. While their ability to manufacture is good, they don’t have the type of quality control I feel is best. There’s very little regular testing happening in comparison to what we do.
What about safety? Some people were asking if you test and calibrate your machines?
We 1000% do! We measure the ozone output with 3 different measuring devices. We also make sure to calibrate each generator so you get a stable ozone output.
That… seems like a lot of work
Maybe, but if my family and I are using it I think it’s worth it. Let’s say I know I need a specific strength of ozone because I’m following a protocol. I set my device to that strength and I expect that amount to come out. If my machine isn't calibrated I can get too much (it’s giving heart murmur) or too little (no improvement at all).
We also test each machine for months before we send it out to make sure everything is working top notch.
What if the machine uncalibrates?
You can send it back to us. We’ll fix that for you. In fact, we recommended sending your machine back to us every 5 years so we can keep things calibrated for you. Also, all Crucial FOUR ozone machines have a lifetime limited manufacturer warranty available.
Last question. What are your top 3 ways to use your ozone generator?
Number one is hands down up my bum! It’s 98% as effective as doing a direct IV which can cost anywhere from $300-$600 for ONE session. Also, you have to poke a needle in your arm which means you can't do treatments every day like with rectal insufflation.
Second is drinking it. Ozone water gives me an instant energy boost and clarity. Last but not least, ozone in the ears. Great to keep sinus at bay and to get ozone into the sinus' and brain.