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Before You Mix Your mMagBicarb Drink Read This

Before You Mix Your mMagBicarb Drink Read This

So, you’re about to whip up your mMagBicarb drink and thinking “how hard can this be?” Well, it’s a bit more than just water and bubbles. 

But don’t worry, we’ve got your back — let's break things down.

How to Make It (No Stress, Just Fizz)

Start by grabbing cold water. And we mean cold — the kind that makes your hand tingle when you hold the bottle. Why? Cold water holds carbonation like a champ. 

Next, add the mMagBicarb powder. Don’t eyeball it — this isn’t salt on fries. Measure out the recommended amount for best results. Now, time to carbonate. Fill your carbonation bottle and hit that fizz button. Seal it quickly after to lock in those bubbles. You want fizz, not flat. 

Feeling rebellious? You can also carbonate first, then add the mMagBicarb powder instead. 

Give it a BIG shake (like, a B I G shake) then put in the fridge for a few hours. Shake again, let sit for 8 hours - overnight is ideal - and boom, your drink is ready.

Pro tip: Make several bottles at once and store in the fridge (unopened) for up to 4 months. 

Why It's Good for You (Hint: It’s Not Just the Bubbles)

Magnesium Bicarbonate is the preferred form of magnesium for your body’s intracellular absorption. We all have a bicarbonate buffering system in our pancreas, and this form of magnesium feeds it exactly what it wants. 

It’s basically like a magnesium party for your body. It helps with muscle cramps, bone health, and keeps you feeling calm, cool, and collected. 

Things That Might Throw You Off (Because Life Happens)

Now, here’s the thing: this drink might not come out the exact same way every time. Kind of like that time you tried to replicate grandma’s cookies and something was always... off. 

Here's why that could be happening:

  • Water Quality: If your water filter is crying for help, you might notice it in the taste. Change it up if you want that fresh flavor.
  • Carbonation Pressure: The fuller your CO2 bottle, the fizzier your drink. If you’re running low, you might get a little less “pop” in your sip.
  • Water Temperature: Remember when we said cold water is key? Warm water is just flat out disappointing. Stick with cold for those fizzy vibes.
  • How Much Product: Add too little and you’re basically drinking flavored water. Add too much and... well, it’s a bold choice. Follow the instructions!
  • Sealing Time: If you take too long to seal after carbonating, you’re letting those bubbles fly away. And no one likes losing bubbles — especially when they’re paying for them!
  • Uneven Distribution: Shake... shake it like a polaroid picture for REAL. Not shaking after you’ve made the drink will prevent it from fully dissolving.

Oh, No! It Didn’t Dissolve Properly

If your carbonation filter is on its last leg, or the quality of purification is compromised, you might notice some of the magnesium didn't fully break down and settled at the bottom. That’s 100% still drinkable! For next time, use a bit less powder until you find your sweet spot. 

Worried it might not be as efficient? You’re good! Even with less powder, you still have a fully saturated solution that is stronger than anything you can buy premade. 

Why It’s Never Exactly the Same (The Fun Part!)

Each time you make it, it’s a bit of a surprise. Between the carbonation, the water, how much mMagBicarb powder you add, and how quick you are with the seal, you’ll never get the exact same drink twice. But hey, variety is the spice of life, right? Consider it your daily science experiment, only tastier.

So, there you have it. Go mix your drink and enjoy this magnesium-packed goodness. Just remember: cold water, measure your powder, and seal that fizz fast! Cheers to your health (and your ever-changing drink)!

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