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Organic vs. Conventional Farming: Demystifying Farming Methods and How Food Gets to Us

Organic vs. Conventional Farming: Demystifying Farming Methods and How Food Gets to Us

Video Transcription

Charles Barber: Hey, guys. Charles Barber here, and today I want to demystify some things and really educate you guys as consumers like I've educated myself as a product formulator and consumer myself on how food gets to us and all the different ways that it can get to us and the certain farming methods that are used and the certain names that society has given these farming methods so that when you go to the store, you can kind of see these terms used whether it's organic or conventional or sustainable or wild-harvested or heirloom or all these things. What do they mean? I just want to go into all that today so that you can be the most educated consumer there is. Since we are in the information age, I know you guys are thirsty for this knowledge just like I was when I first started my health journey. This is real critical information so we're just going to get started right from the beginning. Before we get started, I want to go over some of the main topics that we're going to go over and what we're going to cover. We're going to cover conventional farming. We're going to cover organic farming. That's basically the rut of what we know as consumers. We know industrial farming or conventional farming, and then we know what is known as organic farming. That's typically it, right? Well I want to let you guys know that's not just it. There's actually some other ways to produce food that are starting to get some traction and starting to build, and it's part of the reason why I started Crucial FOUR Farms. I really want to educate you guys on these other methods because they are becoming more prominent, and they actually are the staple to the products that we source at Crucial FOUR. So really cool stuff. That's going to include things like regenerative farming, biodynamic farming, Korean natural farming, closed-loop farming. That's all going to kind of be lumped in one category outside of organic and conventional. The reason why those, so many of those terms are lumped together is because a lot of these things are old, ancient farming techniques merged with new techniques. We're just lumping them all together. Then underneath that's going to be what's called wild-simulated which is different obviously than all three of those groups. Then, last but not least, we're going to look at what's called wild-crafted or wild-harvested so you guys can know what the heck does that mean. Let's get started with conventional because it's something we all know about, and it's very interesting because it started happening since the industrial age. So we might as well call it industrial farming pretty much is what it is. When we look at this whole kind of idea of conventional farming, the whole idea is that there's people starving and we need to produce all this food. We kind of left the traditional model which was more of the organic model back in the day where we had a bunch of small farmers, and we started producing massive amounts of food for the population. This was kind of the conventional model, the whole philosophy behind it. The problem is that it started to really break down the soil fertility. We actually started losing soil fertility using this conventional method from things like tilling and not using cover crops to not mulching. So we started to lose our topsoil. That's something that's really important to understand because we don't want to lose topsoil. Topsoil is the most primo soil that we can utilize in farming because it's going to contain a lot of the organic matter that we need so that the plants can be healthy, so that we can be healthy. Conventional farming really doesn't take this into account. A lot of times what they're doing with conventional farming is they're producing massive amounts of product. They're usually doing a typical till method where they till up the topsoil in a huge big area as typically done in what's called a monoculture or mono crop. What that means, guys, is that it's just one thing like one thing of corn. Back in the day, there was never such a thing as a corn farmer or soybean farmer. A farmer was a farmer. He had chickens, pigs. He had everything: watermelons, tomatoes, onions. That's what a farmer was. Most of us when we think of farming, I think that's what we think of too. We think of a farmer as having all these animals around, but I want to just clarify. Conventional farming isn't like that. It's typically one crop, a mono crop, in a big field and they till up that topsoil which exposes all that to bacteria which can kill of the good and bad bacteria. So it's controversial to say that that's good. I don't believe it's good because it doesn't create soil fertility which is the biggest reason why we want to make sure we are purchasing food from sustainable farming methods that build soil fertility so that we can have soil fertility in later generations. If we consume food that's not grown in a way that's sustainable and regenerates the land then we are a part of the problem by purchasing it. The thing that you also want to understand with conventional farming is a lot of times the plants are force fed what's called fertilizers, but these fertilizers might be a little bit different than what Farmer Joe used back in the day. These fertilizers are typically salt-based fertilizers, and one thing that you want to understand with that is that a lot of these fertilizers are coming from coal tar derivatives or they're coming from hydrocarbons. They're coming from oil. They're petrochemicals, right? They're kind of feeding that whole infrastructure. The whole idea and what they're doing other than where they come from is they kind of force feed the plants. It'd almost be like you injecting an IV of nutrients in your body. You'd get those nutrients inside of you, but you wouldn't use the natural metabolic pathways that you have naturally to utilize those nutrients. You're kind of bypassing that if you will. So what ends up happening is the plants become weaker and weaker and we start to see things like GMOs, genetically-modified organisms, being produced just so we don't have to spray as many of these harmful not fertilizers but actually pesticides and herbicides and fungicides which are more chemicals on top of the fact that the fertilizers we're using, that even though they're salt-based, they're chemical-based as well. They're not organic. They don't have an organic carbon molecule attached to them so they're not considered organic. They're salt-based. Due to the plant not getting, able to utilize those nutrients efficiently through its own metabolic pathways, through its root systems, through bacteria, through fungi, what happens is the plants become susceptible to disease. Herbs can overgrow. Pests can come in. Fungus can come in. Insects can come in. Now we have to spray insecticide. Now we have to spray pesticides. Now we have to spray all these chemical suicide on our food on top of this unsustainable method of producing a massive amount of one thing which just doesn't make logical sense. The fact that we're using fertilizers that are salt-based, chemical-based doesn't make much sense. Again, all this feeds that industrial complex that was basically born in the '50s which is as long as we've been doing conventional farming. Conventional farming is very truly unconventional to me and it's the weird thing, but at the end of the day, it's what's there, what's available to us as the masses. Look, I know I'm opinionated here obviously because of what I do, but I really want to kind of educate you as to what those facts are too and not be so biased because, at the end of the day, you have to make the decision for yourself. Again, just kind of wrapping up conventional farming, unsustainable farm practices that lose soil fertility. I mean that's not a biased statement. That's just what happens. That's why they have to crop rotate or they out-farm the place and have to go somewhere else. Also water quality. Water quality is not really regulated so you have a lot of fracked water I like to call it. It's just dirty water that's used in irrigation. You're also using genetics of plants that aren't true to what the research indicates. I'm going to get into that more later, but the idea is we're seeing a lot of hybridized plants being grown using conventional methods, plants that have been bred to produce a certain resistance to a pest. These are like GMO, genetically-modified organisms, where the genes have actually been modified so that we don't have to spray as much chemical when they're actually putting the chemical in the genes so when the insect bites the plant, it dies. It's basically the same thing. It's just inside the genes of the plant now. These are kind of, again, the big ideas with conventional farming. The other thing that you want to look out for, again, is just the overall aspect of lack of, again, soil fertility. It's huge. I know I've said it like three times already, but it's just really something you want to keep and put in your mind's eye. That, in a nutshell, wraps up conventional farming. You've got chemical fertilizers. You've got chemicals you spray for your pests, fungicide, herbicide, larvicide, suicide stuff, insects, pest management if you will. You're typically tilling up the soil and you're tilling up a huge mega field of soil which isn't that pretty counterproductive. Then you're only growing like one thing. Unlike nature when you go to a forest, you see tons of different diversity everywhere and you see life just booming, but obviously with the mono crop method, that's part of why nature's wanting to come in and eradicate all of that one thing to create homeostasis and balance. That's why conventional farmers have such a hard time dealing with pests and dealing with all these things because they're literally fighting nature. All right. Well that's conventional farming. Underneath that is organic farms and a lot of us are familiar with organic farming and a lot of us know that that's the best way to get food, but it's not. I do want to explore some of the things organic farming does that obviously conventional farming isn't. First and foremost with organic farming, you're not seeing massive, massive farms like you are on the conventional level. You're still seeing large farms. Okay. That can be questionable of whether they're good or not, but you're not seeing it on a massive scale like conventional farming. You're also still seeing a lot of the tilling method, but some farmers don't till. Some farmers in the organic method do cover crops or they'll do a mulch or they'll just bring in a top layer of carbon to help soil retention and help use less water which is sustainable, which also helps build soil fertility. With organic, we're automatically seeing some farmers building soil fertility. We're seeing that they're using sustainable methods that are allowing them to use less water. Typically with organic farmers, they don't use the same quality of irrigated water as conventional farmers. They're a little bit more regulated in that world. They're using a little bit higher quality of water sometimes but not all the time. It's kind of hit or miss. You really have to know where your food comes from. If it's just stamped USDA organic, you have to kind of know that farm. If it's a mass-produced farm, if it's something that you're seeing in Whole Foods, that you see in California but then also see on the east coast, more than likely that's a pretty large organic farm that may be not using some of these sustainable methods. But at least with the organic farmers, they're not using salt-based fertilizers. That's another thing that's really cool because they're using organic fertilizers. Things that you put into the soil or you put on the plants that the bacteria eat is the whole kind of concept with organic. It's kind of like the concept of organic chemistry. You're using life as it is and using what's been given to the plants and utilizing their natural metabolic pathways through bacteria and fungi. You're really focusing on nurturing them versus just the plant because we understand that, with nurture, the bacteria and fungi will feed the plant. There's actually certain bacteria known as mycorrhizae which are bacteria that live on the root. Rhizo means root; micro means small life. It's kind of interesting that conventional farmers kind of just neglect that even though it's basic biochem. It's kind of interesting. With organic farming, farmers are acknowledging this. They have to because they can't spray these chemicals. They're automatically using organic fertilizers which obviously have to be purchased outside the farm and brought in which can cause organic farming to cost more money. We're seeing more what's called IPM, integrated pest management. IPM is going to be something that's more where they're not spraying herbicides, pesticides. There are some certified organic sprays you can spray that are questionable to me. They're still certified organic, but to me, they're still harmful. I always question why is a plant ... Why is nature trying to take out that plant in the first place? It's kind of the same with us. Why do we get sick and get cancer? It's typically because we have something going on inside of us. It's kind of the same with the plants. The more you connect plants and farming and work with plant medicines, you really start to invoke their intelligence and you start to understand them just like you start to understand yourself more. Naturally, they're wanting to utilize their natural pathways, but again if ... In organic farming, you do see a lot of integrated pest management or organic pest management, organic pesticides. It could be something like or something like that. It doesn't necessarily have to be something harmful. Some are kind of questionable, but some are not. The whole idea here, again, is that they're using organic pesticides, herbicides, larvicides, insecticides instead of chemical-based ones fueling basically the oil industry, petrochemical cartel if you will. You're pulling away from that. However, it does become more expensive. Along with having to purchase the fertilizers, you're having to purchase these organic pesticides or these organic IPM, integrated pest management. Now, some farmers are getting real smart and they're starting to use true IPM, integrated pest management, in a way that doesn't utilize chemical sprays but utilizes other predator mites or insects. If you have aphids, they'll let out ladybugs, right? They'll purchase ladybugs which can be expensive, but they're using insects to fight the infection which is really cool because you can watch this. If you've ever seen aphids on a plant and they release all these ladybugs, the ladybugs will literally come and they'll just start eating the pests and stuff. They're predator mites. Everyone loves ladybugs, right? That is the more natural way to go, using the IPM with the insects, but obviously it's still considered organic. The sprays, the organic sprays can be somewhat better. Another thing you want to take into consideration with organic is that you're typically not going to get too much hybridized varieties. You will get some. They will get swept in there, but you're typically not going to see that so much. You'll see a little bit of what's heirloom which is used exclusively in the other farming method that I'm going to mention, but you start to see a little bit more of what's called heirloom genetics. The whole difference with GMOs and hybridized and heirloom is that when ... First thing we want to understand is, when we modify things, we're changing things as to what they truly were. When we hybridize things, we're obviously doing that as well. With heirloom, we're typically seeing these old, old ancient varieties that they're tried and true. They've stood out the test of time and they're here and they're doing their due. Those have been less tampered with and experimented with if you will. For me, that's something that I really want to focus on because at the end of the day, all these different ways that things are getting modified and hybridized, they've never been proven to be beneficial for us at all. It's always just been this concept of we do these things so we can produce more and produce more and produce more in this unsustainable way. It's kind of like, in my opinion, kind of like pissing in the wind. It's like "Okay. So we can produce all this food now, but now the food's less nutritious" which is exactly what's happening. I mean we've lost like 12% of our ... I think it's 18% of our zinc levels, 12% of our calcium levels. I mean the list goes on and on. Food is becoming weaker and weaker and weaker because of the way we're farming. Even the organic food doesn't have the nutrient density. Obviously the conventional doesn't, but even the organic varieties are losing their densities. I think a lot of that's because of the lack of use of regenerative farming which is what we're going to talk about next. That creates more soil fertility. Just wrapping up organics, you're seeing that we're using organic fertilizers which is great. You're seeing some sustainable methods of composting and and things like this which is also great. Across the board, it's probably not being used 100%, but for the most part, we'll say it is. Fertilizers, integrated ... You're seeing more integrated pest management. We're seeing lack of chemical sprays to help, fungicides, herbicides, larvicides. We're seeing that some soil fertility is being built. We're seeing some sustainable methods. However, there's a lot of inputs that are being brought into the farm. A farmer has to purchase these. That's what's causing the cost to go up. Also there's not a lot of machinery that's available that's conducive to organic methodologies as well. A lot of this machinery that we see with conventional farming which is kind of arbitrary as well, has ... There's been a lot of funding been put behind but not as much in the organic world. We're seeing more and more and it's growing. It's getting better and better every day. It's a win-win at the end of the day. That pretty much sums up organic. The water obviously is a little bit better as well. Just so you understand, organic is going to be your best bet as far as a broad scale goes. It truly is because you're working naturally with the natural metabolism of the earth and the ecosystem to a degree. Granted if you buy lava sand from some other ... All across the different part of the country and bring it all the way over here, that's not really sustainable and that's not really economical. It doesn't really make the most sense unless you have to. For the farmers that are going out from conventional to organic, they just ... That's their mentality so that's kind of why they kind of have to go that route. It is what it is. I want to let you guys know about a few other methods that have really shaped my future as to my mission in life and part of what we're doing here at Crucial FOUR Farms. The third method I want to talk about today is a method that really impacted my life heavily and the reason why I wanted to start Crucial FOUR Farms. It's something that real important to me and something I want to share with you guys because it's taken me over 10 years of research to really come to grips with this knowledge, understand this knowledge, use this knowledge, and understand the implications of what this knowledge and these techniques can actually do. Again, it's known as a regenerative or biodynamic or closed-loop farming method. The idea here is that you're creating copious amounts of soil fertility by using all the different inputs from the land that you're on to go back into your soil to create that fertility. That's kind of where that closed loop idea comes from. The reason why you're creating so much fertility is because you're using things from your local ecosystem. A lot of farmers even in the biodynamic use a lot of things called compost teas or they'll spray beneficial microbes on their garden, but with this regenerative closed-loop model, instead of purchasing those microbes from another ecosystem, you actually cultivate the indigenous microorganisms from your environment. What's so important about this is, in this model, you're actually able to utilize everything that's from around you so you're able to save lots of money right then and there. I'm able to produce organic food for a fraction of the cost of conventional or even organic food because my inputs, my fertilizers are actually being grown on the land. As far as bacteria catalysts, I'm actually able to harness and culture those from the land that I'm on. Therefore, I'm able to actually bring those and put those back into the soil where I'm trying to grow certain vegetables or whatever crop I'm trying to grow, herbs, whatever. This is a phenomenal model that can really change the way that we've been farming. This is a phenomenal model because it can actually save the food system as a whole. It can actually feed us all as well because a big part of regenerative farming, biodynamic farming is the idea that you're not creating these big farms like with organic, traditional, or even conventional. You're creating small farms. If we look at the population since the industrial age, since the '50s, 70% of the population were farming back then. Now less than 2% of the population are farming. With the regenerative model that we've created at Crucial FOUR Farms, our idea is to actually kind of franchise this farm model so it's just easy for people to be able to get involved. Understand that, yeah, you're not going to be a on your one small farm, but you will be able to create a phenomenal living for yourself. You'll be able to create probably the healthiest living that you could ever have being able to raise kids on a farm which I know a lot of us envy and wish we could have had that. I know I wish I could have had that more for myself, but obviously working towards that for my current kids now, that's a big part of it. The whole idea is quality of life that you get that you won't get anywhere else. Also you can make a pretty good amount of money with this farming method because you're ... Again, you're not purchasing your fertilizers. You're not purchasing the things that you would use as pesticides. You're not purchasing things that you would use to bring soil microbes into your garden or onto your land. You're just producing those things naturally from around your land. There's certain techniques and ways and knowledge that you do that. That's the techniques. That's the knowledge behind all that stuff. It's how to do all that. But the big idea with all that is you're using these natural organisms which then when you bring them into your body, they naturally help you become healthier. A big part of why I feel like we get sick is we eat food from all around the world or all around the nation. A big part of our staple foods is that they need to come local. We do need to eat some local foods. I know at Crucial FOUR we source a lot of exotic and wild foods, but those are foods that you can't find anywhere, not even in the United States. These are more medicinal foods. They're more supplemental foods than they are staple foods. Our staple foods need to come from our local environment. The reason why, again ... I'm going to say it again. It's because of those microbes that are indigenous to the environment. If we can cultivate those and grow those on our food then when we eat that food, we're naturally going to be getting those microbes within us. By doing that, we're actually able to make our immune system healthier for the certain virus or bacteria that gets infiltrated into our ecosystem. Again, a lot of us can get sick at times and some of us can get sick at times through our lives. A big part of staying healthy and never getting sick is just the fact that we eat, are eating from our local environment. That local environment will have those natural microbes on it, and those natural microbes will naturally be able to put those into our body and then those will protect us. Those are the ones that are out competing all the other microbes in our environment, and they're all beneficial as well too. This is a really cool concept, right? You're able to actually create more soil fertility. You're actually able to get it done at a fraction of the cost. It's sustainable. Anyone can do it. You don't have to ... It's not hard to get. They're everywhere. It's just smarter when you really think about it. I'm going to pull this video in here for you guys. Just one second. I'm going to scoot in here just a little bit. Yeah. Sorry. Sun was kind of getting in my face there. Yeah, this is a really intriguing idea, right? You're able to, with this closed-loop model, regenerative model, create the soil fertility you need. You're able to utilize everything from the land that you need to grow fertile crops which then is going to create more, again, fertility in the soil, but it's a closed-loop cycle. We're also finding that these foods taste better. They have more nutrient density inside of them so we're actually gaining what we lost doing this model. It's going to be the future of farming. I believe that this is ... One of my main callings is to bring this information forth and then actually utilize this stuff. That's what we're doing here at Crucial FOUR Farms, actually bringing this technology in. That pretty much sums up closed-loop regenerative farming. The whole idea, again, is that you're producing extremely nutrient-dense food with the fraction of the cost. You're utilizing everything sustainably from around you. You're not purchasing things from here and there and bringing all these crazy things in. You're just kind of working with what Mother Nature's given you. Yeah, that's pretty much it. You're not ... You're always using heirloom varieties too by the way. When we talk about the genetics, typically always ... I've never seen anyone that's a regenerative farmer, biodynamic farmer use any method other than finding what they call heirloom genetics to use for their crops. With organic farming, you do see some still hybridized, but with this regenerative biodynamic model, it's kind of like "Well we only want heirlooms. We only want what's originally been here and what's been tried and true." It's really cool, really cool stuff. I'm going to be shooting more and more videos about this. If you've seen some of my farm videos, you've seen me doing some of these techniques. You've seen some of the greenhouses that we've built, some of the beds that we've put together. You can check those out on our Instagram if you ever want to get a little sneak peek on how I'm creating soil fertility and the different methods that we use because there's all types of different methods like beds, mulching, not tilling up the soil. That's another thing that doesn't happen. You don't till the soil. You lay mulch in which obviously helps with water so that means you don't have to water as much so it makes more sustainable sense there as well. All around, it's just the smartest way to farm and it's going to save our food model. It's going to allow us to feed all of us. One thing that people say is that "Oh, well we've got to feed all these people because we're overpopulated." That's hard for me to believe because if you think about it, if you drive north, south, east, or west out of any heavily populated area maybe three or four hours, you're typically in the middle of nowhere. I think that the information is kind of been misled a little bit. I think it's the way we're farming that's the issue because if we, our communities started a farm and more people started to become farmers and we obviously would have smaller farms scattered around everywhere, that's going to make more ecological sense because we're not going to have to truck that food everywhere. We're going to be able to grab it right there, pick it. Those indigenous microbes are going to go into our diet. That's going to make us healthier. It just makes logical sense all the way around to do that, and I truly believe there's a lot of people that do want to be farmers. I mean farming, they say "Oh, it's the hardest work ever." Well now with all the information that we have, the knowledge that we have, the tools that we have, the resources available to us, it's not as hard. I know a lot of us aren't spring chickens anymore, but I'm still pretty much a spring chicken. At the end of the day, it's not as hard as you think. When you become extremely organized, you can hire spring chickens to do the manual labor if you need to. There's a lot of value in that especially for kids. I know for me growing up, learning how to work hard was a big part of my work ethic now, just being able to push it. This weekend, I made chocolate all weekend. I worked all week and then made chocolate all weekend. I also made , getting ready to launch some videos on that. But it's not really work to me because I love it. It's just finding those people that love to do farming, love to do these things, and getting them to be able to do those things. Now, everyone's dreams are fulfilled. It just makes sense. Our fourth method that I want to go into is called wild-simulated. This is one of the most powerful ways to get medicinal foods and herbs because typically most things are wild-simulated unless they're herbs or ... Yeah, they're mainly herbs, cacao. Cacao is wild-simulated. Let me just explain what this means. Wild-simulated is you go to where the wild variety has been thriving, where it's just been rocking. Then you start to co-plant in there and just co-plant with those plants and bring all those plants together so that you're able to just emphasize what's already happening. You're not watering. You're not bringing in fertilizers. You're not really managing anything. You're just co-planting with that natural environment in that ecosystem where the wild variety is from. So you're able to get the wild genetics, but you're able to do it in a sustainable way. At the end of the day, this is going to be the key to getting wild genetics, wild-simulated farming. Our ginseng is done this way. Our cacao is done this way. Our maca is done this way. We have about seven or eight other crops that we actually farm this way and bring these over to you guys. It's really powerful because it's the most way that you're going to be able to get these wild genetics in a sustainable form. If you can ever get that, that's going to be like the top, the top, top, top even above biodynamic regenerative farmed. Say ginseng, you would want to go with wild-simulated ginseng which is what we offer at Crucial FOUR. Above ... Again with wild-simulated, you're not dealing with crop rotations. You're not dealing with mulching. You're not dealing with fertilizing. You're not dealing with pest issues. You're not dealing with that. You're just letting nature run its course. Whatever pests take over, whatever plants take over, that's just what they do. They take over those plants. You just let it go. That's just the way it is. You just let nature work its magic. Nature left alone is in perfect balance. Let it do its thing. It's a Voltaire quote again. Another concept to kind of understand with wild-simulated, again, is you're getting these genetics that aren't perverted that the research indicates. I mentioned this earlier. When you research an herb like ginseng and you see all these benefits of it, that's going to be coming from the wild cultivar. Naturally if you want to receive all those benefits, that's the genetics you're going to have to go out and seek in order for you to even begin to think that you're going to actually experience what those benefits say over the internet on Google. Right? I experienced this the hard way with chocolate because 99% of all chocolate is typically not the heirloom wild-simulated variety that we have, the jungle-grown stuff that we have that's high-elevation. It's got rain water, spring water. Most chocolate's not done this way, right? Most chocolate, even though it's organic, it's been hybridized, right? Example of organic farming still hybridized. They relocate a lot of these farms for these hybridized cacao down at lower sea lower and they grow them underneath the canopy. There's a whole bunch of plants on top creating shade and the cacao grows underneath. Well that's not how cacao traditionally really wants to grow. It really wants to grow out and have direct exposure just like our wild jungle cacao is. It just creates a totally different product. At the end of the day, you're going to be able to get the best quality product you can from us because that's what we're looking for at the peak. 70% of our products are either wild-simulated or just wild, just wild-harvested which is the next one that I'll go into. Wild-harvested or ecologically-harvested or wild-crafted is typically there's no simulation going on yet. I feel like a lot of these things will have the wild-simulated going on once the supply or the demand picks up and then they need more supply because you're never going to be able to just go out and harvest wild oats forever. These are things you have to think about. With wild-harvested, you're not even co-planting. You're just going to these areas where these foods have been found, herbs, mushrooms, algae. Not necessarily algae but mushrooms and herbs and flowers and all these really cool products that you see that we offer. They're wild and they're just growing naturally in these environments, and we're able to harvest those and obviously pick them sustainably when they're in season and then process those with all the different ways we process things which is another video I'm going to go into because it's real important, once you get the idea of how food can be grown and how it can be processed, that you understand that "Okay. Well how was this food now been picked and been preserved before it gets to me as a consumer?" That's another big piece of this puzzle that you need to educate yourself on. Unless you've got someone like myself shooting a video telling you, most people aren't going to want to tell you. That's the same with conventional. It's like "Well how do I tell if something's wild or wild-simulated or biodynamic or regenerative farmed or organic or conventional, Charles?" I'll tell you. If there's nothing on there about it, it's conventional. Everything else, they're going to let you know. We're all going to let it be known, right? If someone's regenerative farming, they're going to be proud of that and they're going to know that they're doing something different than conventional. They're going to ... It'll be on the package. If they don't tell you, it's the bottom of the barrel. Right? If they're educating you and telling you "Oh, we source everything locally from farms, organic practices, natural-raised beef, organic veggies," then you know because they're telling you. That's the beautiful thing. People, we're fighting for labeling like "We want to know." Well I think that the way that we fight for labeling as a society and as business owners who are producing products, it's just label what it's not because we obviously can't get our government to regulate what it is. No one wants to put "Oh, this is made from GMO-fed chicken" because people won't want to buy it. They've come out and said that. "People won't buy it if we say it's GMO." Well of course they won't. That should tell you something. You should do something different, right? But we can put non-GMO on our products and there's a whole certification for that. There are solutions out there. We've created them. Back to wild-genetics. Again, wild genetics are going to be what the research indicates. That's going to be 70% of what we produce overall at Crucial FOUR, and this is something that when you look about getting the most bang for your buck, these are the genetics that you want. These are going to be what the research indicates. When you see something and you think it might work for you or think it's something that you should have for yourself, wild's going to be the best. Wild-simulated is going to be under that. Biodynamically regenerative farms are going to be underneath that. Organic underneath that and then conventional which is way over there somewhere else. Know at Crucial FOUR that our number one standard is wild to wild-simulated. We'll just lump those together. Then biodynamically farmed, regenerative farmed is kind of where we're at next. Then last but not least is organic. A lot of people think organic's the best model, but that's actually our low model, our low standard model. That's just something that I think people need to hear and you guys need to know, and you need to educate yourself on it especially if you're a Crucial FOUR thriver and you're watching this video. Then you are definitely looking for the top notch ingredients, the top notch information, and you're looking for the cutting edge technologies that can allow you to gain access to these things and also foods that you can eat that can give you that edge, give you that next level because God knows we need that help with all the toxicity in our environment. Well I hope you guys loved this video. I hope you learned a lot. I can't wait to see some feedback from you guys and comments below because I'm here to answer any comments. Again, the wellness center is now digital. It's now live online for you to ask me all the questions, any questions you want. I've had this conversation probably hundreds of times with clients one-on-one. Now I get to share it with the internet world. I'm so excited and thrilled to be able to share this information with you guys because it's something that's near and dear to my heart. This is my passion project. This is what I'm here for. This is my mission in life, to share information like this, start projects that then take this information and actually become the change that we wish to see because I know that, through community, we can create unification. That's the key to changing our food system, to help change over consciousness, to allow us to be able to restore the earth and gain back what we've lost, gain back our power. All right. I hope everyone's having a great, blessed day. Look forward to the comments. Talk to you later. Bye-bye.

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