We are very thrilled to announce that Dr. Michael Romine, DC has officially joined the Crucial FOUR team!
"I have trusted Crucial FOUR with my own personal nutritional needs as well as my patients for the last two years. I am very excited to join the Crucial FOUR team and hope to contribute to the growth of this innovative company."
-Dr. Mike
We are so excited to in bringing Dr. Mike on that we are allowing each one of our quality members to receive a 30 minute consult with Dr. Mike. Now is the time to set new goals for the year and achieve new heights of wellness. It's a new year and a new you!
We are currently developing new services to allow each one of our clients a more "personalized" approach to their nutritional needs. We have built a great team of medical professionals that can assist in every need of our clients, from what products best fit your needs to associated diet plans that will improve quality of life.
We are working on some exciting new product that will be available early 2015. Stay Tuned.
Crucial FOUR Team
Click below to book Dr. Mike for you free appointment!