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Is Your mHydrate Clumping? Read This!

Bet we know what brought you to this blog. You reached for your mHydrate recently only to realize there were lumps and clumps in the bag? Don't rush to throw it out — it's still good!  One of our crucial com...

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Breathe Easy: Talking Ozone Generator With Founder Charles

For those of you reading this that have stuck ozone gas in places where the sun don’t shine, it’s good to see you again. For those of you who haven’t (yet), welcome! We sat down with founder Charles to talk ...

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Table Salt VS Himalayan Salt VS Sea Salt

You’d think picking out salt would be simple. You go to the store, you grab one off the shelf, you’re good to go for what feels like the rest of your life.  The thing is, salt (or sodium chloride, to be exac...

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What’s *Really* In Your Protein Powder?

Ever wondered what's really in that scoop of protein powder you’re adding to your shakes? Or why it even matters?  As health enthusiasts, we can sometimes overlook the intricacies of what fuels our bodies. I...

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Beat Chronic Illness by Ditching Ultra-Processed Foods + A Pantry Swap Cheat Sheet!

In a groundbreaking BMJ study involving nearly 10 million people, a startling (although unsurprising) connection was unveiled: Ultra-Processed Foods (UPFs) are directly linked to the most common  chronic il...

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Comparing 6 Common Salt Types & Differences in Toxic Content

Salt is a staple in kitchens worldwide, vital for its ability to transform dishes, and, when using high quality types, even our health. See, salt is a source of electrolytes that the body needs to f...

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Creating Calcium-Rich Liquid Fertilizer from Kitchen Scraps

In our journey towards more sustainable gardening practices, recycling kitchen waste into valuable plant nutrients is a small but impactful step. Today, I'll guide you through a simple, eco-frie...

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How Magnesium helps the Heart Function

The heart is not only a mechanical pump - it’s also ⚡️ electromagnetic ⚡️ generating the largest electromagnetic field in the body, which can be measured and mapped with tools like ECGs and MRIs. Here's how ...

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Superfood Recipes with mBreakfast

If you're aiming to boost the nutritional value of your diet, the most effective approach isn't about eliminating all the bad stuff—it's about adding more of the good. As you begin to incorporate healthier,...

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Mindset Shifts for a Healthier New Year

As we welcome 2024, it's the perfect time to reflect on our mindsets and how they influence our health and happiness. The new year is not just about resolutions; it's about evolving our thought processes to...

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Why Avoid Synthetic Citric Acid

In today's blog, we dive into the hidden dangers of synthetic citric acid and why you should avoid it. First things first. What we are talking about is not the citric acid naturally found in fruits, but t...

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The Hidden Reality of "Natural Flavors": Insights from a 60 Minutes Special

Discover the truth behind "natural flavors" in our foods, as revealed by a 2011 60 Minutes special. Learn how the industry creates addictive flavors and the deception in everyday packaged foods. Crucial Four's mHydrate stands out with its commitment to pure, functional ingredients, offering a healthier, more genuine alternative. Join us in choosing real nourishment over artificial allure.

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