Stress and low energy plague many of us, unfortunately, most of the common solutions tend to over stimulate and create anxiety. Ginseng, well known for its traditional use of boosting memory and energy levels, is also a powerful adaptogen that helps your body withstand mental and physical stress.
mBody American ginseng root has an array of key missing nutrients, and scientists have determined that the active ingredients are saponins, or chemicals commonly called ginsenosides. American ginseng contains nearly 30 ginsenosides. These ginsenosides have a calming effect on the central nervous system (CNS). These calming or cooling effects are what makes American Ginseng a tonic herb and more of a stress reliever than the Asian varieties that over stimulate the CNS.
Key benefits:
Studies suggest that American ginseng can provide the strengthening and immune-enhancing effects of other ginseng without over-stimulation to those people with high levels of stress and mental stimulation. American ginseng may be the best ginseng for Americans, whose fast-paced and energetic lifestyles call for more calm and balanced energy.
Crucial FOUR Difference
Crucial Four uses only medicinal aged wild simulated, organic American ginseng roots. We harvest 8 year old and older roots since it takes a minimum of 6 years for the ginsenosides to fully mature. mBody is a Potent dual extract tincture made with organic 190 proof grape spirits and bottled in protective Miron glass.
American ginseng cannot be used for medicinal purposes until it’s at least six years old (the wrinkles around the neck of the root reveal its age). This is why we harvest 8 years and older roots. You can rest assured you are getting the best American ginseng product to date. We also harvest wild ginseng genetics making this herbal tincture world class in strength and effectiveness!
At Crucial FOUR we specialize in the production of the next best thing to wild, and that’s Woods Grown Wild Simulated Ginseng. We grow our crop in the woods in a natural way under the canopy of the hardwood forest. Our roots are sought after for their wild appearance and high Ginsenoside levels. Our usage of seed stock developed from wild seed gathered locally also results in a premium root with maximum potency. We grow wild seed in wild conditions, at the perfect elevation, to get a genetically wild plant grown under the same conditions as native ginseng would naturally occur.
Ginsenoside is the active ingredient/chemical that gives ginseng its energy boosting and stimulating effects. The percentage of this chemical in ginseng roots determines potency. Two major factors determine the potency of ginseng, its age and how it was grown. Wild ginseng is usually considered the most potent due to the fact that the harvested roots are usually older, and growing in the wild provides the perfect environment for Ginsenoside production within the plant.
Crucial FOUR‘s Ginseng Potency Test Results
For a copy of our official Statement of Analysis prepared by Dr. S. William Zito, Professor of Pharmaceutical Science at St. John’s University, call or write and we will fax or send you a copy
His testing of our certified Wild Simulated American Ginseng Root (Panax quinquefolius) helps to further prove that the older the root the more powerful the Ginsenosides.
Test results for Crucial FOUR’s Wild-Simulated 8 year old roots yielded Ginsenoside levels as follows: 8 year old roots – total Ginsenosides 19.96%